Return to Silver Bay Listening Sessions Registration Form

New York Yearly Meeting has been talking with Silver Bay Association about the possibility of returning to Silver Bay for Summer Sessions 2025. These Listening Sessions on May 17, 19, & 21 are an opportunity for Friends to hear the details of Silver Bay’s proposal, to consider our options, including returning to Oakwood Friends School, and to understand the costs and risks of these choices.

Please register below for one (or more) of the Listening Sessions to learn more, to share your questions and concerns, and to help discern our way forward. You’ll receive a reminder with Zoom information approximately a day before the event.

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Name *
Not necessarily your legal name! We want to call you by the name you prefer, whether that is a nickname, full name, initials, etc. Please fill this out as if you were writing your own name tag.
What is your Quaker affiliation? This could be your Monthly Meeting, NYYM membership, NYYM Committee, or other Quaker organization (eg. Powell House, FGC, FUM, FCNL, Friends Journal, etc.) This question is not required, and may be left blank.
Email *
Listening Sessions *
Check each session you plan to attend. 
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